Tuesday, January 5, 2016

5th January 2016 [Blog No. 67]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

Quite a lot has been happening recently. I did manage to obtain an appointment at the Leeds Chapel Allerton Hospital in late September 2015 but it was not to see Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Ray Monkhouse, instead I was seen by a Mr Kheir in a Mr Tellisi’s Clinic then subsequently by Mr Tellisi himself on 18 November 2015.

The consultation with Mr Kheir appeared to go quite well and I had x-rays taken while at the Chapel Allerton Hospital. Unfortunately the resulting consultation letter was sent by the Chapel Allerton Hospital onto an incorrect GP at a totally different GP Practice but we spotted this mistake, notified Mr Tellisi’s secretary and copied the letter ourselves onto the correct GP Practice.

I was subsequently referred to the St James Hospital in Leeds to have a CT Spec scan done on my Right foot and this took place in Mid-October, and I then saw Mr Tellisi himself in his Clinic back at Chapel Allerton Hospital on 18 November 2015 to discuss their findings.

When we met Mr Tellisi he came across as being very curt and we thought he was short with his explanations of the x-rays and CT Spec scan.

He tried to confuse us by referring to what could be seen in the left side and right side without actually saying which foot he was referring to. When seeking confirmation of what he meant he appeared to us to become quite agitated.

When my husband asked Mr Tellisi for the current state of the osteoporosis in my Right foot, he said it would need a DEXA Scan to define that. When my husband sought the reason why a DEXA Scan hadn’t been done while in Leeds but Mr Tellisi simply said that it was for my GP to organise that and I could easily get one of those done locally.

All Mr Tellisi has done is to put me back onto the NHS Merry-Go-Round and according to Mr Blenkinsop’s conversation in the sound recorded conversation back in September 2014 Mr Tellisi is denying me treatment.

I paid a full NIC stamp all my working life from the age of fifteen and yet I am still being denied treatment under our NHS.

Listen to Mr Tellisi in the extract taken from the sound recorded consultation and copied below.

It was obvious Mr Tellisi was not interested in fully monitoring my foot problem otherwise he would have referred me for a DEXA Scan to see exactly what state the osteoporosis was at, and offered me his prognosis on the way forward. I feel that I am no better off for seeing these guys.

You will no doubt recollect from my previous blogs that Mr Paul Blenkinsop (back at our GP Practice) had advised me back in September 2014 that my foot problem should be monitored and previous consultants should be made to stand up-to-the-plate for not treating me and/or for treating me incorrectly. Well, I see that the sound recordings I’ve put on my blog previously are now up and running again so I am putting an extract taken from the sound recording of the consolation with Mr Blenkinsop’s on my blog here so you can hear for yourselves that what I have said is true.

We’ve really had some very distressing times recently due to our GP Practice closing down at the end of October 2015, and we’ve had a hell of a job to get onto another GP Practice list. We have to travel a round trip of approximately 28 miles to see our new GP. The GP Practice allocated to us by the NHS was the Dinnington Group Practice but they threw us off their list some years ago for requesting a referral to Mr John King, an Orthopaedic Surgeon in London who had been recommended to me by Mrs Howard at the White House Physiotherapy Centre in Sheffield. When I did eventually get to see Mr King some years later he reported back to my GP that I had previously not been properly diagnosed. When he received communication from my then GP he suddenly became uninterested with my orthopaedic problem.

In any event, due to the Chantry Bridge Medical centre closing down I had cause to access my medical records where (among other issues) it was discovered that there was still reference made to “Court Case” etc to be found in my medical records which had supposedly been edited from my records by the Kiveton Park Primary Care Centre (KPPCC) on the advice of the Information Commissioner back in 2002/03 as being “too heavy” for medical purpose.

When we transferred to the Chantry Bridge Medical Centre in November 2010 my medical records were sent back to the KPPCC for editing as they were found not to have been edited in accordance with the ICO’s advice back in 2002/03. The KPPCC had them for around three months and according to Chief Executive Mr Andy Buck (at the Rotherham PC Trust) in his letter dated 10 March 2011 to Mr Barron MP the task had been onerous.   See copy of Mr Buck’s letter below.


I have also referred the issue of the KPPCC’s failure to amend my medical records in 2003 back to the Information Commissioner, Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor and I am awaiting their full responses.

This true story continues ………………  

NB: All copyrights reserved  

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