Wednesday, December 31, 2014

31st December 2014 [Blog No. 61]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP on 13 December 2014. See copied below my letter to him of that date. You should find it self-explicit.

As you can see from the content of my letter above, when I saw Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor on TV responding to a complaint about her and her team’s services not being fit for purpose, I personally consider that she came across as very arrogant when delivering her response.

At the meeting with Mr Barron MP on 13/12/2014 he did refer back to the time in my complaint when the PHSO agreed there was a case to be answered, and them basically requesting I put my own figure on the amount of compensation that I considered applicable to settle but Mr Barron himself referred to himself recommending at that time that the PHSO should and would have a much better idea of the Quantum in my case and it should be the PHSO who should put a figure on the amount of compensation not me. And, they were responded to accordingly by me with Mr Barron’s input at that time.

Mr Barron also reflected on how he was very surprised at the Ombudsman’s response in them not progressing the matter further in my favour and them simply basically advising me that if I were not satisfied with the outcome to take the matter through the courts.

In any event Mr Barron did confirm again on 13/12/2014 that he was prepared to bring this particular issue up before the House again in Health Questions, and further, if there was to be a debate in the House regarding the Health Service Ombudsman’s complaint issues he would bring this matter up in the debate also.

See copied below an extract taken from the internet where Simon Cox (BBC Radio 4’s The Report) published a report about Health Service Ombudsman being criticised by Patients’ Organisations for failing.

Due to the Health Service Ombudsman stonewalling Mr Barron MP on these issues I really cannot understand why Mr Barron hasn’t taken the matter to a much higher level to get the matter settled amicably, albeit he did confirm to me on 13/12/2014 about him already having a further conversation with Dr Poulter MP, the Undersecretary of State for Health, regarding the matter.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Monday, December 8, 2014

8th December 2014 [Blog No. 60]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I’m still suffering with excruciating pain in my Right foot and still appear to be unable to obtain treatment from our NHS.

Find copied below a copy of my fax dated 5th December 2014 to the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP regarding my current situation with the medical profession. You should find it self explicit.

You can see from the attachment to my fax copied here that I am not on my own where the Health Service Ombudsman has been found to be “Not Fit For Purpose” and all they do is cover the backs of the medics, laugh at us folk out here and take home a nice fat cheque at the end of the day for so doing!

I am hoping to see Sir Kevin Barron MP again, this time on Saturday 13th December 2014 when I expect him to have some positive information on the way forward because I am not going away, and I repeat again here; “I am not going away”.   

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved