Sunday, March 1, 2015

1st March 2015 [Blog No. 63]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

Sorry that I’ve not updated my blog recently but I my Right foot’s been playing-up again causing me to suffer another fall, this time hurting the bottom of my back. It’s no good me going to the hospital because it seems to me I’m being discriminated against to the extent I cannot obtain any treatment.

I did discuss this matter again with The Rt. Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP due to a GP referral to Leeds Hospital and nothing becoming of it. I did not receive any appointment date. Our MP suggested I write to the Practice Manager. See my letter dated 5/1/2015 to GP Practice Manager copied below….

It has to be said that on 9/1/2015 the GP Practice left a message on our telephone answering machine confirming that an appointment had been made for me to attend the Hospital in Leeds. This was followed-up a few days later with a personal call from the GP Practice advising my husband that an appointment date would be following in due course for me to see Ray Monkhouse, Orthopaedic Trauma Consultant, at the Leeds Hospital. However, nothing has been forthcoming so I wrote to our MP again asking him to contact the GP Practice Manager on my behalf seeking an explanation for the obvious delay.

As you can see from the GP Practice response to our MP, the GP Practice had to obtain my permission before they could even communicate with Mr Barron MP over the matter. However, Mr Lea Hedges, him at the Health Service Ombudsman’s Office communicated with the KPPCC back in 2010/11 without him first obtaining my consent. He was way out of order in him doing that, and that was part of my complaint against him because after the KPPCC had received his communication they simply ignored my request for a response to my then Data Protection complaint against them which had been made on the advice of the Health Service Ombudsman. I wonder just what Lea Hedges had said to the KPPCC????

When I next met with Mr Barron MP he advised me that he had spoken in some depth with Dame Julie Mellor (Health Service Ombudsman) and her colleague regarding my complaint brought against the Kiveton Park Primary Care Centre. However, from what Mr Barron told me I allege that Dame Julie Mellor lied her way out of the matter to cover the backs of her staff, just like her staff did to cover the backs of the medics. She has simply attempted to move the goal-posts in the matter by making out it was simply a complaint brought against the Ombudsman. See copy of my letter to MP copied below….

As you can see we, Mr Barron MP, me and my husband, are now waiting to see Dame Julie Mellor’s letter of response to their meeting with Mr Barron MP, so I can then decide what further steps to take because no-way am I just going away and letting them all get away with how they have all mistreated me.  
This true story continues …….

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