Wednesday, December 31, 2014

31st December 2014 [Blog No. 61]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP on 13 December 2014. See copied below my letter to him of that date. You should find it self-explicit.

As you can see from the content of my letter above, when I saw Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor on TV responding to a complaint about her and her team’s services not being fit for purpose, I personally consider that she came across as very arrogant when delivering her response.

At the meeting with Mr Barron MP on 13/12/2014 he did refer back to the time in my complaint when the PHSO agreed there was a case to be answered, and them basically requesting I put my own figure on the amount of compensation that I considered applicable to settle but Mr Barron himself referred to himself recommending at that time that the PHSO should and would have a much better idea of the Quantum in my case and it should be the PHSO who should put a figure on the amount of compensation not me. And, they were responded to accordingly by me with Mr Barron’s input at that time.

Mr Barron also reflected on how he was very surprised at the Ombudsman’s response in them not progressing the matter further in my favour and them simply basically advising me that if I were not satisfied with the outcome to take the matter through the courts.

In any event Mr Barron did confirm again on 13/12/2014 that he was prepared to bring this particular issue up before the House again in Health Questions, and further, if there was to be a debate in the House regarding the Health Service Ombudsman’s complaint issues he would bring this matter up in the debate also.

See copied below an extract taken from the internet where Simon Cox (BBC Radio 4’s The Report) published a report about Health Service Ombudsman being criticised by Patients’ Organisations for failing.

Due to the Health Service Ombudsman stonewalling Mr Barron MP on these issues I really cannot understand why Mr Barron hasn’t taken the matter to a much higher level to get the matter settled amicably, albeit he did confirm to me on 13/12/2014 about him already having a further conversation with Dr Poulter MP, the Undersecretary of State for Health, regarding the matter.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Monday, December 8, 2014

8th December 2014 [Blog No. 60]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I’m still suffering with excruciating pain in my Right foot and still appear to be unable to obtain treatment from our NHS.

Find copied below a copy of my fax dated 5th December 2014 to the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP regarding my current situation with the medical profession. You should find it self explicit.

You can see from the attachment to my fax copied here that I am not on my own where the Health Service Ombudsman has been found to be “Not Fit For Purpose” and all they do is cover the backs of the medics, laugh at us folk out here and take home a nice fat cheque at the end of the day for so doing!

I am hoping to see Sir Kevin Barron MP again, this time on Saturday 13th December 2014 when I expect him to have some positive information on the way forward because I am not going away, and I repeat again here; “I am not going away”.   

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

16th November 2014 [Blog No. 59]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

Just a few words to update you on the slow progress with the current situation I’m finding myself in. Firstly see copied below my letter of 25th October 2014 to Sir Kevin J Barron MP, our local MP. As some of you are already aware, Mr Barron has been assisting me over the many years in my attempt at obtaining both treatment and subsequently redress for the neglectful way I’ve been mal-treated by medics in our NHS over many years.

When I saw the “Advanced Practitioner” at the GP Practice about the state of my foot I had been allowed to continue wearing the fibreglass boot for about 8-weeks prior to him requesting any x-rays, then, when he read out the x-ray report he said it did not report on any fractures. Was there any wonder?

The GP I consulted at our GP Practice (as opposed to the “Advanced Practitioner”) in accordance with the advice from Mr Barron MP, he refused to make a request for an appointment for me to see a foot consultant and insisted he make a request for me to see another orthotics’ person, this time in Leeds. That was over three weeks ago and I have heard nothing from anyone as yet. What I cannot understand is that when I attended the orthotics department in Sheffield Northern General Hospital they said they were unable to continue without them first receiving instructions from a consultant. It appears they are putting the cart before the horse again, which will just send me round in circles as per usual.

When I asked the GP what I should do about the previous appointment as made by the “Advanced Practitioner” which had adversely turned out to be a choice in Rotherham, he did say that he himself would see to cancelling that request.

However, now back to our meeting with Sir Kevin Barron MP on 25/10/2014 in accordance with the copy letter above. Mr Barron agreed with me, and he did go on to say that he believed that Dame Julie Mellor would not have seen any of the letters he had addressed to her personally. I can confirm that none of what I have written here has been taken out of context, he did actually say that!

What I cannot understand, therefore, is if Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor is not actually going to read any of the letters addressed to her personally by Mr Barron, about my complaint, why is Mr Barron not kicking-off about that to Julie Mellor when in the House of Commons?

It has to be said that when at the meeting on 25/10/2014 with Mr Barron he did actually agree to bring my complaint up again before the House, this time in Health Questions but he emphasised that he would not be mentioning any names. Why not I’m now asking myself because I believe for him not to do so he will be narrowing the parameters of my complaint, the same as they have all done in the past?
Two weeks or so ago (and for the very first time in my entire life I might add) I developed severe gout in my Right foot. My husband attended the local pharmacist who advised him that continual use of a diuretic drug (which I had been prescribed for many years, more years than I wish to remember) could be the cause of the Gout and recommended I see my GP.

In accordance with the pharmacist’s advice I did stop taking the Furosemide (diuretic) until I saw a GP. The GP prescribed Naproxen, a pain killing drug, and advised me that I should continue with the Furosemide for further 10-days.

I intend meeting with The Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP again on Saturday next, to see if there has been any progress made by him.  

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

21st October 2014 [Blog No. 58]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

Yesterday I received an email from Sheena Woolley, The Rt. Hon. Mr Kevin J Barron MP’s Constituency secretary. Sheena copied onto me a copy of a letter dated 7th October 2014 which Mr Barron had received from Dame Julie Mellor’s shirt-lap employee called Suzannah Beazley, as opposed to Dame Julie Mellor responding to Mr Barron MP directly herself. It was no more than I had expected. There was no mention of the cover-up by the Ombudsman’s Office by them issuing two separate complaints numbers etc, and I am therefore taking Mr Barron up on his previous offer in bringing my case up before the House in Health Questions.

I also enclose here a copy of my letter dated 11th October 2014 to the Rt. Hon Mr Kevin J Barron MP so as to update you on what is happening at that end. You should find it self-explicit.

As I explained in my last blog (No.57) a month ago, I had seen a gentleman at our GP Practice who confirmed he was not actually a GP but who had called himself an Advanced Practitioner. I had attended for a repeat prescription for Gabapentin pain-killers for the ongoing pain in my Right foot. He referred me for x-rays to be taken of my foot at their Radiology Centre but when I saw him again for the x-ray results his attitude had altered somewhat, and he had reacted the same as medics had done who had gone before. He said the x-ray results of my Right foot had shown nothing untoward other than osteoporosis. He said the report reported on no fracture been evident but he went onto advise me that that all depended on the amount of radiation used/exposed in the process.

The report for the 3/10/2014 x-rays reported: “The bones are generally osteoporotic. No fracture apparent. In particular there is no plain film evidence for a stress fracture. There are minimal degenerative changes in the first MTP joint. Nil else to note. No change compared with a previous x-rays from May 2013”.

Now, one particular matter springs to mind and that is that when I had attended the Bassetlaw Hospital and had x-rays taken of my Right knee in July 1996 their x-ray report reported on “No Change to films of 1991” but both the films of my Right knee in 1991 and 1996 showed a bony lesion to be situated on the medial aspect of my Right knee at those times. You will recall from reading my previous blogs that it was that bony lesion that had given me a debilitating crippling pain in my Right knee since the operation to remove the patella from my Right knee in August 1987. The bastards knew the bony lesion was there at those times but it clearly suited them all not to advise me of that fact due to the then pending litigation being brought against a colleague of theirs.

They all lied about the reason for my pain instead, and left me crippled with pain!!!! They put the unnecessary and botched Guanethidine Pain-Block injection directly into my Right foot as opposed to a vein, in November 1993. Then in December 1998 (in a sound recorded conversation) I was advised by a surgeon (one very experienced in Guanethidine Pain-Block injections he said) that the injection should have been put into my knee and not my foot, in any event if the pain was in my knee. You can see that I’ve been well and truly stitched-up by our NHS and their complaints’ procedures!!! Take note because this could well happen to you!!!

Anyway, back to the more recent times; this so called Advanced Practitioner had previously requested that I furnish him with a list of all the medics whom I had seen in the past so as not to refer me onto any of them again, and he could clearly see that the Rotherham DG Hospital had been at the forefront of my complaints in the past. I did copy the list into my last blog.

He had suggested that he should refer me to a consultant in Manchester, one that he had in mind but he appeared now to be reluctant to refer me onto anyone. His attitude had certainly changed somewhat.

However, he did refer me and I have now received a “Choose and Book” form to see someone of my own choosing but not in Manchester it’s to be at either at the RDGH or RC Health Centre, which is of course out of the question. I am now asking myself who it is that has got at this guy in some way and made him change his mind???? This is seen by me as history repeating itself. See extract from booking form copied below.
This Advanced Practitioner had, at the first consultation, advised me that I should not have been left by medics to diagnose myself without medical supervision as to whether or not I should be wearing the fibreglass boot/back-slab but he then left me at the last consultation to do exactly that!!! However, he did accede to my request for copies of my x-rays, reports and referral letters which I have now obtained in a copy CD from their Radiology Department.

On Friday, 24th October I will have had the fibreglass boot (back-slab) on my Right foot for some twelve weeks and left with no indication whatsoever as to how long I should expect to wear it, permanently or otherwise!!!

We will see what the Rt. Hon Mr Kevin J Barron has to say about Dame Julie Mellor and her so-called response when I see him next time, which will be Saturday 25th October 2014.

I currently feel in a very low place by the way I have been, and still am being badly treated by our NHS and the medics.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

21st September 2014 [Blog No. 57]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

First of all in my last blog on 10 July 2014 I explained how I hadn’t met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP since Saturday 14th June 2014, and neither had I heard from Mr Barron regarding the matter he’s put to Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor, as referred to in my most recent blogs. There has, of course, been the summer government recess that has been the reason for my not having had any communication from Mr Barron.

The reason for my not blogging over the past eight weeks or so was also due to my being in a very low place recently due to the severe ongoing pain in my Right foot. I’d resorted to refitting the fibreglass boot as made for me several years ago by RDGH and who had given me the boot (so to speak) telling me I might have to resort to using it again from time to time. See photos of the contraption below.

I’d also seen my GP who’d put me back on Gabapentin (stronger pain killers) but after a couple of weeks of wearing the boot and due to it putting a strain on my back I removed the boot and attempted to walk without it.

However, I saw another medic about three weeks ago and again just over a week ago (I’ll not mention his name on my blogs just yet) who said he was disgusted at the way I’d been left to diagnose and treat myself without any monitoring by a specialist and he asked me to provide him with a list of the specialists I’d seen over the past twenty-odd years or so to allow him decide as what he should do next for the best way forward. The reason for my not mentioning his name here is because I would hate to having him alienated in any way that might prevent him from being able to refer me onto a surgeon/specialist of his choosing. See a redacted copy of my letter to him and the list of some of the many surgeons I’d seen over the years and who had basically fobbed me off in one way or another.

I didn’t list all those I had seen nor did I list those who had seen me for making medico-legal reports for the court and who’d worded their reports for the court with (I allege) wilful intention to mislead the court. I will refer to those overpaid guys later-on in my future blogs.

I’d given up on having any hope of ever being treated again by our NHS but this time I must say it does look promising, so all fingers crossed. He did review my medical history on his computer and confirmed to me that the severe pain I was in was due to my having severe osteoporosis in my Right foot.

He’d insisted at the first consultation that I return to using the fibreglass boot and strapping until he’d decided on the way forward. I’ve had to resort to binding and strapping it onto my foot every morning and only removing it when going to bed and showering. I will be making another appointment to see him later this week.

Now back to Mr Barron MP. See below copies of my most recent letters to Mr Barron MP and copied below together with a copy of his latest letter dated 15 September 2014 to Dame Julie Mellor (Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman) also copied onto me, showing his concern at him not having received any response from her to his letter of over six-months ago. When I met with Mr Barron last week (13 September 2014) he voiced his concern to me over Dame Julie Mellor stonewalling him over his support regarding the situation I have found myself in with the Heath Service Ombudsman’s mishandling of my complaints. I await her response to Mr Barron with the greatest of interest because Mr Barron believes she has her back up against the wall in this matter, and does not know which way to turn.

I allege that had I been an animal and treated by a vet in the same way the NHS has treated me the vet would have served many years in jail.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

10th July 2014 [Blog No. 56]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I haven’t met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP since Saturday 14th June 2014 and neither have I heard from Mr Barron regarding the matter he’s put to Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor, as referred to in my most recent blogs.

Furthermore, and if you recollect, I have previously referred to my GP Dr Gita Haldar at the Woodsetts Health Centre Nr Worksop and her having mentioned past litigation issues in her letters when referring me onto the various specialists and the various hospitals, and that being the reason for me being unable to obtain proper corrective treatment and further instigating the covering-up by medics of their colleagues mistakes.

Dr Haldar had referred me to the Radiology Department at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 16/8/1991 for having x-rays taken of both my knees for comparison but when I chased her up regarding the availability of the x-ray report she denied having received it. She had obviously lied to me because you can see for yourself that she has signed off the report (copied below) as received 22/8/1991. So why did she constantly lie to us for weeks on end about her not having received it?

When she did eventually admit to receiving the report she simply read the report to herself and advised me that there was nothing untoward with the report.

So, what I intend doing here is to show you what happened with Bassetlaw Hospital regarding the 19/08/1991 Right knee x-ray in 1997, the solicitors instructed on my case, and what subsequently happened in the Worksop County Court back in 1999 and 2000.

In November 1997 Kate Patterson Solicitors in Kiveton Park made an application to the Bassetlaw Hospital for specific copies of the 19/08/1991 x-rays but when they arrived and we inspected them at the solicitor’s offices on 3/12/1997 we discovered that the LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the bony lesion/foreign body in my knee and dated 19/08/1991 had not been copied onto the solicitor.

My husband and I went straight down to the Bassetlaw Hospital where and when my husband  complained to Past Hewitt (Records Clerk) in the Medical records Department. Pat Hewitt told my husband that she was arranging with a Radiographer there and then to have all my x-rays copied again while he waited. However, the Radiographer returned saying that the x-ray copying machine had just broken down and so the x-rays could not be copied while he waited.

He commented that that was a likely story but he managed to get Pat Hewitt and Radiographer Carole Perry to show him all the x-rays they held in my medical records file at the Bassetlaw Hospital and he was allowed to select and identify to them both that particular LAT View x-ray of my Right knee dated 19/08/1991 showing the Bony Lesion (foreign body Mr Zeraati had called it when in his consulting room at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 5/11/1996) which was to be clearly seen on the medial aspect of my Right knee in that x-ray dated 1991, same as could be seen in Bassetlaw Hospital x-rays of my Right knee dated July 1996 and later.

Radiographer Carole Perry herself selected another LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the same bony lesion present, and my husband identified that x-ray to them as it being an x-ray taken at the Grimsby Hospital on 16/7/1996 and he requested that they should copy that x-ray also. 

The next day (4/12/1997) at around 11:30am Pat Hewitt had left a message on our telephone answering machine saying that my copy x-rays were ready for collection. We attended the hospital at around 13:30 hrs to collect the x-rays where Pat Hewitt handed a pack of x-rays to my husband and at the same time saying to him that it pays to be honest.

When he got back into our car he checked the x-rays only to discover that the specifically requested LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the bony lesion/foreign body in my knee and dated 19/08/1991 was not among them. When he returned to the records department to complain they all denied the existence of that particular 19/08/91 LAT View x-ray (including Records manager Mr K Colton). Mr Colton actually told my husband that he was not saying the x-ray did not exist but it was up to us to prove that it did exist. Good old NHS what?

When my husband put it to the then Bassetlaw MP Mr Joe Ashton at his Bassetlaw Constituency Surgery held in the Bassetlaw Library, his words to my husband were, and I quote; “you don’t think the buggers (Bassetlaw hospital) are going to hand over evidence so that you can sue them do you”? No change there then!!!!

Joe Ashton MP at that time returned the copy files my husband had left with him by post saying there was nothing he could do to help me.

I allege that this alone proves there was a cover-up by them at the Bassetlaw Hospital by them subsequently denying that that particular 19/08/1991 LAT View x-ray had ever existed. They lied, and subsequently (as you will see from future blogs) we found it impossible to obtain any clinical negligence solicitor to take on and progress my case through the courts. It appears to us that the solicitors were simply set in place by the Government to squash claims (I allege just like the courts have done) to save NHS money and sod those the NHS have left disabled. See copied below my husband’s letter dated 3/12/97 to Pat Hewitt and that of 5/12/1997 to Mr Colton.

To give you an idea of the problems I’ve had with solicitors on my case see copied below a copy of my letter dated 28 February 2000 to the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors and also a copy of my letter dated 12 March 2000 to Ann Abraham (the then Legal Services Ombudsman). You should find them self-explicit without me going through them again here.

Just to give you a taste of how the courts were prepared to go in year 2000 see copied below extracts of the Court Tape Transcript where District Judge Hickinbottom refused me even the remaining time of up to 5 September 2000 to prove my case. He struck both cases out instantly when at the hearing in Worksop County Court on 25 August 2000.

Also, under the heading “APPEARANCES” it states that those attending the hearing on behalf of the Defendant in the case is “NOT KNOWN” and I allege that that was because the solicitor/counsel acting on behalf of the Defendant was not signed on at the court as acting for the Defendant, and District Judge Hickinbottom would know this but he was prepared to do nothing about it. Back covering culture, yes??

At line 3 on page18 of the transcript the tape transcriber has incorrectly named the solicitor as being Gothshort but it should read as “GOSSCHALKS”.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

22nd June 2014 [Blog No. 55]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

On Saturday, 14th June 2014 we met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP again for an update on the PHSO situation. See copy of my letter dated 14 June 2014 to Mr Barron copied below.

You can see once again that I’m still getting very concerned that my case is just being stone-walled by the system and they have no intention whatsoever of bringing this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.

When I made a comment to Mr Barron about my having had visits to my Blog by Research Workers at the Ombudsman’s Office plus other NHS Departments, Mr Barron said I should not read too much into that.

What I did read into it, however, was that if the Research Workers at the Ombudsman’s Office and other NHS Departments now fail to act on the way I've been mal-treated by the system then it will show a continuation of the cover-ups.

When Mr Lea Hedges had conduct of my case at the Health Service Ombudsman’s Office back in 2011 he negligently (I say willfully) sent his response to the wrong Mr Barron MP; he sent his response to Mr John Baron MP who was clearly a member of the Conservative Party, not the Labour Party. Now, what does that tell you! See copy of Lea Hedges’ letter dated 30 September 2011 copied below. It wouldn't have been so bad sending it to the wrong MP had it not been an issue about a breach of confidentiality!!!

See copied below my letter dated 26 November 2011 to the Rt. Hon Mr Kevin J Barron MP about Mr Lea Hedges and showing some of the other matters of concern at that time.

This true story continues …….

NB: All copyrights reserved  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

4th June 2014 [Blog No. 54]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

On Saturday, 24th May 2014 we met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP again for an update on the PHSO situation. See copy of my letter dated 24 May 2014 to Mr Barron copied below.

You can see that I am once again getting concerned that my case is just being stone-walled by the system and they have no intention whatsoever of bringing this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.

Because of this I am going to show you here just how the solicitors instructed on my case have shown disrespect toward me, their client. See copied below a copy of the attendance note made by solicitor Charles Gillott at Irwin Mitchell solicitors when he had conduct of the case being brought against Mr Majumdar in his private capacity as the original operating surgeon. You will recollect from my previous blogs that it was he who had left the bony nodule in my Right knee during the operation in September 1987 when removing my Right knee-cap.

What I was not aware of was that Mr Majumdar was from time to time instructed as a medical expert by Irwin Mitchel Solicitors on other clinical negligence claims. Therefore, I allege here that there was an obvious conflict of interests by Mr Gillott of Irwin Mitchel Solicitors taking instruction on my case being brought against Mr Majumdar. I also allege that Mr Gillott should have advised me of this conflict of interests at the time he took instruction and should have refused to take instruction on the case.

In or around 1994 the Whitehouse Physiotherapy Centre in Sheffield had been recommended to me by Dr Moore, my then GP. Mrs Pauline Howard at the Centre advised me that in her opinion Mr Majumdar had left something in my Right knee during the 1987 operation and it not being a matter requiring physiotherapy. Mrs Howard subsequently advised me that she herself had taken instruction on medical negligence claims as an expert in her field of physiotherapy and suggested I put this to my solicitor. You can see for yourselves just how Mr Gillott received this information by reading the extract below as taken from Mr Gillott’s “ATTENDANCE NOTE” dated 27 July 1994 as copied below.

You can see that Mr Gillott considers that instead of relying on a physiotherapist (Mrs Howard) I could just as well rely on my Local Butcher to give advice. I now believe that I would have been better off instructing my Local Butcher as opposed Mr Gillott and some of the other solicitors instructed on my case.

It was Mrs Howard who had recommended I seek-out Mr John King in London, and albeit GP Mrs Dr Haldar had written to Mr Gillott in March 1992 advising him that she had referred me onto Mr King she had clearly lied, because she definitely did not refer me. I personally sought-out Mr King at the Independent Hospital in London in 1997 when medics at the Bassetlaw Hospital had refused to treat my Right knee pain at that time.

From day one of my case there were problems obtaining the various x-rays from the various hospitals I had attended.

X-rays had been taken of my Right knee at:

1    [1] The Parkfield Hospital in Rotherham prior to Mr Majumdar operating on my Right knee in September 1987 but they denied ever having them so they were never disclosed to my Solicitor. 

     [2] The Rotherham District General Hospital in November 1988 but plain films went missing.

     [3] On 29th October 1997 I made a request for copies of my x-rays as taken of my Right knee at the Newmarket General Hospital prior to Professor Dandy operating on my Right knee on 29/11/1988 [See copy of my request below] but the Newmarket Hospital confirmed that all x-rays were destroyed after a five-year period. It was my understanding that x-rays should not be destroyed by hospitals until after an eight-year period had lapsed. Convenient, what?

1.     [4] The Sheffield Northern General Hospital on 9/1/1990 but they wrote to me saying that there were never any x-rays taken at their hospital on my attendance at their hospital in January 1990 albeit the letter to GP stated “Radio-logically there was no bony injury”. Mr Andrew Cash (Chief Executive at the Northern General Hospital) wrote to me in a letter dated 23 September 1998 saying he had investigated my concerns and there was no record of me having been x-rayed in January 1990. Clearly, they lied! See copy of Mr Cash’s letter copied below.

1.     [5] The Bassetlaw Hospital on referral from my GP on 16/8/1991 to their Radio-logical Department where I had four x-rays taken; one (AP View) of both knees together, one of my left knee (LAT View) and one of my Right knee (another LAT view) I was then recalled to have another x-ray taken of my Right knee (another LAT View known as being the 4th x-ray of 19/08/1991) and which them at the Bassetlaw Hospital have always denied as ever existing. Albeit my husband and I had seen it at my attendance at the Dukeries Clinic in Worksop in July 1993 and again on 5/11/1996 when Mr Zeraati (Orthopaedic Surgeon) had identified that particular 19/08/1991 LAT View x-ray to my husband and I together with him identifying the bony lesion to us that was clearly to be seen in on the medial aspect of my Right knee in that x-ray. Again, they lied!

2.     [6] After attending the Grimsby A/E after a fall on 16/7/96 I attended the Bassetlaw Hospital again on 17/7/96 where an appointment was made for me to attend their Fracture Clinic on 19/7/96. This fact is important because when I attended the Fracture Clinic on 19/7/96 the first thing they did was to send me for x-rays of my Right foot and Ankle. Albeit Dr Nashi at the Bassetlaw Hospital fracture Clinic wrote to my GP Dr Haldar on 19/7/97 explaining that; “x-ray of the Right knee showed loose fragment over the medial aspect of the knee” them at the Bassetlaw Hospital always denied that I’d had any x-rays taken of my Right knee on 19/7/96. Again, they lied!

3.     [7] In 1992, Mr Harris (Expert Orthopaedic Surgeon) in Harley Street instructed a Dr Mourad of Diagnostic Radiology, also in Harley Street, to undertake x-rays of my knee but these x-rays also disappeared off the face of the earth.

However, when my husband wrote to him about the matter of the 19/7/96 Bassetlaw Hospital letter he wrote back in a letter dated 25 February 1998 confirming that the loose bodies referred to in Dr Mourad’s X-ray report related to my Right knee and were the same as the “Loose Fragments over the medial aspect of the knee reported in the letter 19.7.96 and the X-ray 19.08.91”. This shows that they had all lied about the 19/08/91 Bassetlaw X-ray and it not showing the bony lesion (loose fragment) on the medial aspect of my Right knee in that film.

When I attended the Appeal Court in London on 6th April 2000 my husband produced Mr Nigel Harris’s letter dated 25/2/1998 as supporting evidence and Lord Justice Mantell advised that Mr Harris had given us all we needed to prove my case, and he therefore went on to refuse my appeal seeking an order for further disclosure of Medical Records (X-rays).

When we put this fact to Mr Tim Slow of Gosschalks Solicitors in Hull, at a subsequent meeting in April 2000, Mr Slow categorically refused to consider Lord Justice Mantell’s advice about Mr Harris’s letter, and I allege that Mr Slow went on to scupper my case over following weeks and months.

See copied below a copy of the notes I made of the consultation with Mr Zeraati at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 5th November 1996 (and sent onto my solicitor on 2/1/1997) when Mr Zeraati identified in the 19/08/91 x-ray what he termed as being a foreign body seen on the medial aspect of my Right knee in that LAT view film. That’s the 19/08/91 x-ray they all deny existed. I’ve seen it on two occasions and my husband had seen it on three occasions when on the third occasion he actually held the x-ray while showing the bony lesion seen on the medial aspect of my Right knee in the film to Radiographer Mrs Carole Perry and Mrs Patricia Hewitt, Medical Records Clerk at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 3/12/1997 at the time when they promised to copy the x-ray for him. The very next day, on 4/12/1997, they had failed to copy that 19/08/91 Lat View x-ray. They all said that that particular x-ray did not exist nor had it ever existed they said! Once again, they all lied.

When I had a further consultation with Mr Zeraati in the New Year of 1998 he confirmed that he only had a temporary set of medical notes on my case but said he would put me on his waiting list for surgery to have the nodule removed. It never happened, in that when my husband telephoned the Bassetlaw Hospital they confirmed to my husband that Mr Zeraati had not put me on his waiting list proper for having surgery. That was when I personally sought-out Mr John King in London, and

I saw Mr King at the Independent Hospital in London in 1997 where and when he wrote to my GP confirming that my Right knee problem had not previously been properly diagnosed. When Mr King discovered that there was litigation pending he failed to turn up for my consultation with him at the Royal London Hospital and I had to make another appointment to see him the following week.

When I eventually saw Mr King he said he did not understand MRI film (those I had taken with me dated 28//2/1998 and which I had done at my own expense at the Claremont Hospital in Sheffield because Mr King had said previously that he was sending for an MRI but he failed to do so) and he discharged me from his care. As I was leaving his consultation room he sarcastically said; “its no good Mrs Barnes, you’ll have to learn to walk on your hands”, meaning before I would get anyone to treat my Right knee and foot problems.

Mr King subsequently referred me back to my GP for simply having pain management. He, like the others before him, left me crippled with knee pain until the bony lesion was removed from my Right knee by Mr Bickerstaff at the Thornbury Private Hospital in Sheffield in 2002 (paid for by the NHS) after the intervention of the then Rt. Hon Mr Barron MP, our Local MP. My ongoing foot problem has gone untreated ever since.

Had Mr Verinder not covered-up the negligence of Mr Majumdar and actually considered the bony lesion (loose fragment) seen on the medial aspect of my Right knee in the 19/08/91 Bassetlaw Hospital X-ray, which he had on his illuminated display panel at the Dukeries Clinic on 7/7/1993, I allege that he would not have referred me onto Dr Renshaw at the Bassetlaw Hospital and I would not have subsequently received the inappropriate and negligently administered Guanethidine Pain Block injection put directly into my Right foot, as opposed to a vein by Dr Renshaw at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 23/11/1993. Which has resulted in my now being left crippled with agonising pain in my Right foot from the now diagnosed osteoporosis.

Mr Nigel Tubbs (Defendant’s Medical Expert), Orthopaedic Surgeons Mr Harris, Mr Cherry, Professor Galasko and Radiologist Dr Strong (Experts instructed by my own solicitors) together with the so-called Medical Professionals treating me (or not) and the NHSLA all knew these facts same as the instructed solicitors on my case.

It also included the Health Service and also the Legal Ombudsman, the Information Commissioner together with Judiciary, those who presided over the many court hearings on this matter. I allege that I have been well and truly stitched-up by the system and I am revealing this to the public here as a matter of public interest because it could happen to you! These people will go to any length without limit to protect themselves and their colleagues.

Mr Zeraati at the Bassetlaw Hospital said at the consultation I had with him in March 1997 that it was more than his job was worth to admit that he’d shown me the Bassetlaw Hospital 19/08/1991 LAT View X-ray of my Right knee [Showing the loose fragment/bony lesion on the medial aspect of my Right knee on that date] when at the consultation with him on 5/11/1996. He did comment at that time that all his colleagues were ridiculing him. I allege that he meant for showing me the 19/08/1991 x-ray and the bony lesion seen on the medial aspect of my knee in the film and thereby putting his covering-up colleagues at risk of being found out.

I’m now hoping that when Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor responds to the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP she adheres to her statement as seen on TV recently when she confirmed that they were now being TRANSPARENT in their investigations. That will certainly make history because when Mr Barron MP had the Debate in the House of Commons on 6/2/2014 with Dr Poulter MP, the Undersecretary of State for Health, I allege that Dr Poulter continued the cover-up of the health professionals who’d had conduct of my medical treatment. I further allege that he'd also insinuated that I’d somehow physically removed some of my medical records from the various hospitals and the reason for me having vital damming evidence in my possession.  

This true story continues …….

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