Thursday, July 10, 2014

10th July 2014 [Blog No. 56]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

I haven’t met with the Rt. Hon Sir Kevin J Barron MP since Saturday 14th June 2014 and neither have I heard from Mr Barron regarding the matter he’s put to Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor, as referred to in my most recent blogs.

Furthermore, and if you recollect, I have previously referred to my GP Dr Gita Haldar at the Woodsetts Health Centre Nr Worksop and her having mentioned past litigation issues in her letters when referring me onto the various specialists and the various hospitals, and that being the reason for me being unable to obtain proper corrective treatment and further instigating the covering-up by medics of their colleagues mistakes.

Dr Haldar had referred me to the Radiology Department at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 16/8/1991 for having x-rays taken of both my knees for comparison but when I chased her up regarding the availability of the x-ray report she denied having received it. She had obviously lied to me because you can see for yourself that she has signed off the report (copied below) as received 22/8/1991. So why did she constantly lie to us for weeks on end about her not having received it?

When she did eventually admit to receiving the report she simply read the report to herself and advised me that there was nothing untoward with the report.

So, what I intend doing here is to show you what happened with Bassetlaw Hospital regarding the 19/08/1991 Right knee x-ray in 1997, the solicitors instructed on my case, and what subsequently happened in the Worksop County Court back in 1999 and 2000.

In November 1997 Kate Patterson Solicitors in Kiveton Park made an application to the Bassetlaw Hospital for specific copies of the 19/08/1991 x-rays but when they arrived and we inspected them at the solicitor’s offices on 3/12/1997 we discovered that the LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the bony lesion/foreign body in my knee and dated 19/08/1991 had not been copied onto the solicitor.

My husband and I went straight down to the Bassetlaw Hospital where and when my husband  complained to Past Hewitt (Records Clerk) in the Medical records Department. Pat Hewitt told my husband that she was arranging with a Radiographer there and then to have all my x-rays copied again while he waited. However, the Radiographer returned saying that the x-ray copying machine had just broken down and so the x-rays could not be copied while he waited.

He commented that that was a likely story but he managed to get Pat Hewitt and Radiographer Carole Perry to show him all the x-rays they held in my medical records file at the Bassetlaw Hospital and he was allowed to select and identify to them both that particular LAT View x-ray of my Right knee dated 19/08/1991 showing the Bony Lesion (foreign body Mr Zeraati had called it when in his consulting room at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 5/11/1996) which was to be clearly seen on the medial aspect of my Right knee in that x-ray dated 1991, same as could be seen in Bassetlaw Hospital x-rays of my Right knee dated July 1996 and later.

Radiographer Carole Perry herself selected another LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the same bony lesion present, and my husband identified that x-ray to them as it being an x-ray taken at the Grimsby Hospital on 16/7/1996 and he requested that they should copy that x-ray also. 

The next day (4/12/1997) at around 11:30am Pat Hewitt had left a message on our telephone answering machine saying that my copy x-rays were ready for collection. We attended the hospital at around 13:30 hrs to collect the x-rays where Pat Hewitt handed a pack of x-rays to my husband and at the same time saying to him that it pays to be honest.

When he got back into our car he checked the x-rays only to discover that the specifically requested LAT View x-ray of my Right knee showing the bony lesion/foreign body in my knee and dated 19/08/1991 was not among them. When he returned to the records department to complain they all denied the existence of that particular 19/08/91 LAT View x-ray (including Records manager Mr K Colton). Mr Colton actually told my husband that he was not saying the x-ray did not exist but it was up to us to prove that it did exist. Good old NHS what?

When my husband put it to the then Bassetlaw MP Mr Joe Ashton at his Bassetlaw Constituency Surgery held in the Bassetlaw Library, his words to my husband were, and I quote; “you don’t think the buggers (Bassetlaw hospital) are going to hand over evidence so that you can sue them do you”? No change there then!!!!

Joe Ashton MP at that time returned the copy files my husband had left with him by post saying there was nothing he could do to help me.

I allege that this alone proves there was a cover-up by them at the Bassetlaw Hospital by them subsequently denying that that particular 19/08/1991 LAT View x-ray had ever existed. They lied, and subsequently (as you will see from future blogs) we found it impossible to obtain any clinical negligence solicitor to take on and progress my case through the courts. It appears to us that the solicitors were simply set in place by the Government to squash claims (I allege just like the courts have done) to save NHS money and sod those the NHS have left disabled. See copied below my husband’s letter dated 3/12/97 to Pat Hewitt and that of 5/12/1997 to Mr Colton.

To give you an idea of the problems I’ve had with solicitors on my case see copied below a copy of my letter dated 28 February 2000 to the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors and also a copy of my letter dated 12 March 2000 to Ann Abraham (the then Legal Services Ombudsman). You should find them self-explicit without me going through them again here.

Just to give you a taste of how the courts were prepared to go in year 2000 see copied below extracts of the Court Tape Transcript where District Judge Hickinbottom refused me even the remaining time of up to 5 September 2000 to prove my case. He struck both cases out instantly when at the hearing in Worksop County Court on 25 August 2000.

Also, under the heading “APPEARANCES” it states that those attending the hearing on behalf of the Defendant in the case is “NOT KNOWN” and I allege that that was because the solicitor/counsel acting on behalf of the Defendant was not signed on at the court as acting for the Defendant, and District Judge Hickinbottom would know this but he was prepared to do nothing about it. Back covering culture, yes??

At line 3 on page18 of the transcript the tape transcriber has incorrectly named the solicitor as being Gothshort but it should read as “GOSSCHALKS”.

This true story continues …….

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