Thursday, August 4, 2016

4th August 2016 [Blog No. 70]

Hello again, it’s me, Peggy

Whilst scouring my files for sound recordings to put on my blog I came across a copy of a Reply to Show Cause why my funding certificate should be continued at that time, and it basically contains a detailed summary of the obstacles I have encountered over the many years in fighting my case. See copy below.

I reiterate here what I said in my last blog; “you will not believe how I’ve been stitched-up by the medical profession and others (those in power/public office and law) who, I allege, were only pretending to assist me in these matters.

I am still in severe pain with my Right foot problem which was due to the inappropriate and negligently administered Guanethidine Pain-Block injection put into my Right foot back in 1993 but to-date I am only using my current GP Practice for the issuing of repeat prescriptions because whilst I have no complaint against them personally, I am aware that if I were to request a referral onto a consultant I would simply be going back onto the NHS roundabout due to my medical notes proper still containing reference to court case/ clinical negligence issues etc. Which should have been removed by the Kiveton Park Primary Care Centre (on the advice of the Information Commissioner back in 2002/03) but clearly they failed to do it.

It doesn’t say very much for the Hippocratic Oath as entered into by our medics does it. It’s obviously just a joke to them?

It was my understanding from what Care UK said, in a letter some months ago, and that was that they were having an investigation into their organisation’s part in the matter. However, to-date I am still awaiting a response from them confirming their findings.

This true story continues ……………… 

NB: All copyrights reserved  

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