2013 [blog No. 22 of 22]
again, it’s me, Peggy
Don’t expect to be able to obtain treatment from our NHS
if you have, or they know you are contemplating, taking out litigation against
a medic. It should not make any difference but it does, you are discriminated
against in the harshest of ways by the NHS as an organisation and by the medics
themselves. It is a back-covering culture and I have found that the Government
(whatever the political persuasion) together with Civil Servants and/or Government
Quangos, assist the NHS in this practice whenever and wherever they can.
Written below an extract taken from Leaflet published
by the Legal Services Commission
Information Leaflet No. 14 Headed “Medical Accidents” your rights
if you have been injured during treatment:-
Under; “How do I decide whether I should take
legal action” it states:
legal action can have an effect on your on-going treatment. Doctors and other
health professionals may act differently towards you if they know you are
These clowns (for want of a swearword) know exactly what
is, and has, gone on in your case but they assist in putting the injured
patient under a great deal of unnecessary stress by conspiring with the legal
system in suppressing your case prior to, and when it comes before the courts.
Don’t expect justice, especially if you are contemplating taking action as a
litigant in person. You will not stand a cat-in-hells chance.
COPY (page 1) OF MY FAX:
For the attention of:
Stephanie Hopkins (Head of Patient
Support Services)Rotherham PCT (Bramley)
Moorhead Way
Rotherham S66 1YY
Date: 25th November 2009 Hard Copy by post
Your Ref:
Your direct fax No. 01709 302041
From: M A Barnes (Mrs). 6 Pine Avenue, South Anston,
Sheffield S25 5HA.
From fax No. 01909 561078 (Outgoing only)
Dear Ms Hopkins
Re: M A Barnes - lack of Patients Choice and lack of treatment.
Further to the above-mentioned matter, please find attached here a copy of the letter from Mr Blundell [Orthopaedic Surgeon at the SNGH] dated 12th November 2009 as addressed to Dr Say refusing me a consultation.
As you are already aware, the request for a consultation
with Mr Blundell was made in accordance with GP's request under the Patients
Choice Scheme, and bearing in mind
Mr Blundell had also refused me a consultation in accordance
with the referral made by Mr Paul Cooke in Oxford, for the problems I am still having with
my Right foot.
The CLS documentation also copied to you here recognises that patients are discriminated against and treated differently by medics when litigation is entered into against one of their colleagues.
It would appear that the equivalent to a "No 555" entry made on my medical records by Mr
Brown at the SNGH in February 2001 is still having an effect on my not receiving treatment, and that apart from what the LSC recognises takes place when litigation is entered into.
Ms Hopkins, I want [as I understand is my Right] my x-rays and scans together with the current condition of my Right foot explaining to me by a consultant of my choice at the hospital of my choice in accordance with the GP referral made under the Patients Choice
Scheme please. Anything less will result in my putting this matter to the Ombudsman and the media because the way in which I have been treated over the years by the NHS is appalling and I believe is a matter of great public interest.
I await hearing from you.
Kind regards.
Yours Sincerely
Cc The Rt. Hon Mr Kevin J Barren MP
[House of Commons].
Further: copied
below is a copy of my letter to the QMC and it shows you how (in 2010) the QMC
in Nottingham made every attempt at sabotaging the reluctant referral as made
by my GP Dr Say at the Kiveton Park Medical Centre. It was supposed to have
been a referral made in accordance with the Patients Choice Scheme but it was
just a fudge and I never did receive treatment by the consultant. As was the case
with Mr Blundell in 2009 at the Sheffield Northern General. I was just
Dr Boszczyk's Secretary
The Centre for Spinal Studies
Queen's Medical Centre Campus
Derby Road
Nottingham NG7 2UH
Date 3rd February 2010 4 pages by fax and first class post
By fax to 0115 970 9991
Faxed from Tel: 01909 561078 NB: Outgoing
transmissions only.
Dear Dr Boszczyk's Secretary
Re: Monica Ann Barnes DOB09/01/43 -
Hospital No. S14446G. NHS No: 438 464 2032
Thank you for the copy of the letter dated 13th January 2010 from Mr S Thambiraj
Fellow and Colleague of Dr Boszczyk] both of whom I had
consultation with when I attended Dr Boszczyk's Clinic on 30 December 2009.
Unfortunately, there are two major errors; the first is
in Dr Say's Medical Practice address and the other when Mr Thambiraj is making
reference to my past medical history, and I respectfully request of you here
that both these matters are corrected please to prevent any incorrect or
misleading information being entered into my medical records.
My GP - Dr Say's Medical Practice
Address is:
Kiveton Park Medical PracticeChapel Way
Kiveton Park
S26 6QU
The second error regarding past medical history is when Mr Thambiraj is incorrect by referring to the injection as being made into the "groin" when in fact the Guanethidine
Pain-Block injection was made directly into my "Right Foot" as opposed to a vein [which was done at the Bassetlaw Hospital in November 1993} is made in the second paragraph [after the Diagnosis and Plan of Treatment sections]. See copy letter dated 13th January
2010 marked and attached here for your ease of reference.
Another matter, which I believe, requires your attention:
When my husband was speaking on the telephone to Helen,
at your Patients Advice &
Liaison Service, [my Hospital Number was confirmed as
being S14446G] she was unable to confirm that I had an MRI scan booked for
Thursday 28 January 2010 at 2:00pm, and shortly after him advising her of this
fact I received a telephone call from the MRI Department actually cancelling
the appointment.
Albeit the MRI Department informed me
that the reason for them cancelling my MRI appointment was due to the MRI
Scanner breaking down, I would like to take this opportunity here to bring the
different hospital numbers matter to your attention because the MR! Department,
when booking my MRI Spinal Scans, have used a different Hospital Number
to the one the Spinal Clinic and the Physiotherapy Department use, and I
believe this matter may create some confusion in the future. Surely you would
agree with me in this?
Your Spinal Clinic
and your Physiotherapy Department use Hospital No: S14446G, and yet
for some reason Hospital No: RX1K2151626 is used by your MRI Department.
Maybe you could explain to me [in
writing please] why it is that I have two different "Hospital
Numbers" recorded
in my notes for my attendance at your hospital?
I await hearing from you.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely
Cc Dr Say, Kiveton Park Medical
Practice, Chapel Way, Kiveton Park, Sheffield S26 6QU.
The Rt. Hon Mr Kevin J Barren MP
(Chair of the Health Select Committee) House of Commonsand,
Mr Andy Buck (Chief Executive, Rotherham Primary Care Trust) for information only.
also below a copy of the fax cover dated as Wednesday 9th March 2011
as sent by my new GP to Mr Blundell at the SNGH. You can see where at the
bottom right-hand corner *NEEDS 1 HOUR SLOT IN VIEW OF LEGAL ISSUES. OK has
been hand-written. This is still at the top of my notes at the SNGH so if I was
to be admitted to that hospital I would not be able to access treatment. This
again proves discrimination due to “LEGAL ISSUES”.

This true story continues ....
NB: All copyrights reserved
NB: All copyrights reserved
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