February 2013
again, it’s me, Peggy
been digging through my case files again and I was hoping to move onto another
section of my case today but I am still finding things in the MKB files that
are giving me “Flash Backs” to what they’ve all done, in what I allege was with
intent to pervert the course of justice in my case.
October 19th 2004 solicitor Mr Brain of Mills Kemp & Brown
solicitors in Barnsley wrote to Stark Costing Services, Bury St. Edmunds,
asking them to prepare a Bill of Costs for Legal Aid assessment. I am inserting
below page 4 of 4 of his letter. You can see at that part in his letter on page
4 (copied below) sub-headed Instructions,
that Mr Brain has the cheek of the Devil himself by asking for 75% uplift in
his costs because, he says, Mrs Barnes (and her husband) have been without
doubt the most difficult clients he has ever encountered.
in fact he intended happening by him so doing was that he intended using up the
funding limitation on my funding certificate, which I allege was with intent to
overbalance the funding/case costs Ratio. Once the Ratio exceeded the LSC set
Ratio it would have resulted in my claim becoming unviable for public funding.
don’t think a solicitor, one who is funded under a Legal Aid Certificate, can
be paid more than a standard amount per hour by the LSC, and certainly not on
the basis that his/her client has been found not to be a push-over??
think what he really meant was he found me (and my husband) difficult to
control, when he was trying to prevent my case progressing to court and me
having legal representation for that to happen.

the course of my claim Mr Brain had obtained copy x-rays from the various
hospitals of which I’d had the misfortune to visit. I will mention these
hospitals in more detail later. However, apart from him obtaining copies from
the Bassetlaw Hospital and for which the Bassetlaw Hospital had been duly paid
those x-rays formed part of my case files and should have been passed onto either
the next instructed solicitor or onto me personally.
is, he even sent my own x-rays onto Nigel Clifton, the then Chief Executive at
the Bassetlaw Hospital, at the personal request of Mr Clifton. Those x-rays and
scans of which I had purchased myself and/or was done on a private paying basis
(Claremont Hospital MRI Scans etc) and which I had loaned to Mr Brain whilst he
had conduct of my case. The cheeky devil and that’s not to mention his breach
of the Data Protection Act.
I’m not talking about a local butcher just making a mistake here, (sorry Mr
butcher) I’m talking about a solicitor whose specialism is Clinical Negligence
Claims, so Mr Brain knew dam well that what he was doing was well out of the
order of things. And, probably it was flying in the face of the Solicitors Code
of Conduct Rules apart from anything else??
copied below the MKB letter dated 15 December 2005 that accompanied my x-rays
and scans from MKB to the Chief Executive of the Bassetlaw Hospital:

On 9
February 2006, at a time when I was at Dicksons Solicitors, Hanley, Stoke-on-
Trent, we telephoned Mr Brain’s secretary to find out where all my x-rays and
scans had gone as they were not to be found in the MKB files as sent to
Dicksons Solicitors via Peter Maughan’s Solicitors in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Mr
Brain’s secretary said she thought they had all been sent onto the Chief Executive
at the Bassetlaw Hospital but that she would check and phone us back.
Mr Brain’s secretary left a message on our telephone answering machine the same
day. You can see from this paragraph alone that I have travelled the country to
try and obtain a straight solicitor (one who was not prepared to cover the
backs of their colleagues in the profession) to handle my case but I have yet
to find one. In any event, see copied below the transcript of Mr Brain’s
Secretary’s recoded message:

true story continues …..
NB: All copyrights reserved
NB: All copyrights reserved
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