Hello again,
it’s me, Peggy
I think its
time I gave you a bit of evidence here to show you just what I’ve been up
against with the medical profession. As I’ve said earlier, once they became
aware that there was pending litigation against one of their colleagues they
closed ranks.
You will have to bear with me on the way I have inserted the various images and the amount of distance seen between an image and the attached text. I am 70 and very new at blogging.
Now, is that
discrimination or what???

So as you know what I am talking about when I say it was a bony lesion, take a look at the Right hand side of the x-ray copied below which is a 26 July 1996 x-ray of my Right knee. I have ringed the bony lesion which is termed as been in the medial aspects of my Right knee. I have also copied below a scanned image of the bony lesion as was removed from my Right knee.
According to
the Medical Dictionary Medial, when
referring to knees, means the side of the knee nearest to the other knee.
I also have a
copy of the Attendance Note made by Solicitor Miss K Bhogal of Beachcroft
Wansbroughs Solicitors of a meeting held on at the Bassetlaw Hospital on 9th
June1998 where Radiologist Dr Howard told all those at the meeting that Mr
Barnes had got the meaning of the word “Medial” wrong, as Medial meant inside the knee
joint, and there were loose fragments in the medial aspect she said but
they were inside the knee joint.
Dr Howard, at
the meeting termed the bony lesion as an “Opaque Opacity” she also referred to
it as a piece of bone. Mr Zeraati in 1996 first said it was a foreign body but
went on to referrer to it as a calcified nodule in his report. Professor
Galasko, to whom I will refer to in detail later, referred to it in his report
as a “fluffy calcification” but at a consultation with Dr Renshaw (Him that
inappropriately and negligently injected a Guanethidine Pain-Block injection
directly into my Right foot, as opposed to a vein, in 1993) told me that it was
not foreign to me as it was a piece of bone.
Mr Andrew
Sweeny, Physiotherapist at the Rotherham Physiotherapy Centre, did say when
reviewing the 1991 x-rays against the x-ray reports, that the Bas****s have
turned it. Meaning the left knee report had been swapped for that of the Right
knee Report.
You will see
from Miss KK Bhogal’s Attendance Note copied below that there was reference to “no
metal” and there being “no clips”. It had been a RED HERRING by Mr Saleh at the Sheffield Northern
General who had said the signal voids seen in an MRI scan of my Right knee
could be a metal clip that had been left in my knee, and he went on to draw me
the shape of a staple as they sometimes
use in knee operations. There had been reference to evidence of “Screw
Fixation” in a MRI Report of my Right knee in 1998.
Copied below
is the bony lesion that was removed from my Right knee by Mr Bickerstaff
(Orthopaedic Surgeon) at the Thornbury Hospital on 22 November 2002. It
measures approximately 2cms across its widest part.
See copied
below a true extract taken from Solicitor Bhogal’s Report of the meeting of 9th
June 1998 where Radiologist Dr Howard contradicts our correct understanding of
the word medial.

See also copied below the x-ray report for the x-rays taken of both my knees in 19/08/1991 and you can see the date it was received at the GP Practice (22/08/1991) where Dr Haldar has written “No further action required”.
Note also
that there is no Patella (kneecap) present in the 1996 x-ray. The kneecap had
been removed in the operation on my Right knee in 1987, yet you can see there
was no mention of this in the x-ray Report dated 20/08/1991 as copied below. I
believe the 1991 report for my Left knee is actually the Report for my Right
knee, and they could not report on the patella been absent because to do so
would have shown what they had done.
I have been
informed that Radiologists always report on LEFT then RIGHT and this is
standard practice. Mr Bourne, Health Sector at the ICO, did say in a letter,
one copied to me, that even from the semantics of the report he believed Mrs
Barnes had a case. For instance, how could the radiologist start the report by
reporting “Identical changes are present” when the Left knee report preceded
the Right knee report? It’s not semantically correct.
Had the
medics not closed Rank and advised me of it being a bony lesion left in my knee
from my having suffered recurrent dislocation of my knee in earlier years and that
Mr Majumdar had failed to recognise this fact when he operated and removed my
patella in 1987, then I would not have been denied a far better quality of life
since my having that operation. Neither would I have had to suffer the trauma
nor the endless sleepless nights by going through unnecessary court cases.
In our Local
Newspaper it did quote Mr Nigel Clifton (the then Chief Executive of Bassetlaw
Hospital) as saying he fought clinical negligence cases vigorously. My now knowing
what has happened in my case I interpret that as meaning even by them going to
the extent of denying medical records and/or destroying x-rays. When I’ve
discussed this with other claimants they have apparently come-up against the
same problem in their cases.

You can see for yourselves, from the 26 July 1996 X-ray shown above, that it shows the bony lesion very clearly in the Medial aspects of my Right knee, and you can also see for yourselves that the X-ray Report (as copied below) for the above 26 July 1996 X-ray where Dr C R Merrill Reports on there been no change to the knee since the films of 1991. This proves the bony lesion was in my Right knee in 1991 because it is reported as been seen in my knee in the films of 1996, yet the image remains unaltered since the films of 1991.

I will be
putting more info on this blog within the next few days. Watch this space!!
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