January 2013
again, it’s me, Peggy
is another update in my true story of how patients are treated by medics and
solicitors when litigation is brought against a colleague of theirs. Not only
are you mal-treated by medics but they are assisted by solicitors and the
system, thereby allowing the legal profession to fill their greedy pockets.
perusing the vast amount of files on my case it makes me shudder to think of
what they have all done to me, and could and/or have done to you one way or
another if you have pursued litigation against any member of the medical
profession. It works the same way with solicitors in 99.9 cases out of 100, and
lands up with the legal profession coming out of the process with many times
more than the claimant, and that’s if the claimant comes out of it with
true incident, one that I overheard whilst waiting in court for my own case to
be heard when I was acting as Litigant in Person. Two Barristers was sat talking just behind me, and I overheard the
Defendant’s Barrister say to the Claimant’s Barrister; “My client (The
Defendant) is willing to settle this case by offering your client £175K”. The
Barrister for the Claimant retorted, “Oh, don’t do that, I can get her to
settle for a lot less than that”. British Justice, I don’t think so!!!
this next section I want to show you what happened with the applications made
to the Legal Services Commission for funding my case, and how my solicitor,
Jonathon Brain at Mills Kemp & Brown Solicitors in Barnsley conspired with
solicitor Carolyn Smiley at the Legal Services Commission to divert my mail, as
intended for my information from the LSC, to C/o Mills Kemp & Brown
Solicitors, to prevent my knowing that my funding certificate was LIVE and had been
up-graded from Investigative Help to "FULL REPRESENTATION".
reference number for funding by the LSC IN 2004 was DUORNAYY1943/A/W/8.
You can see from the document copied below that the letter from the Legal
Services Commission dated 18/5/2004 addressed to me C/o Mills Kemp & Brown …
and thanking me for telling them about my change of address to, who else but;
Yes, “Mills Kemp & Brown” was actually done under the guise of an abandoned
LSC reference number, that of DUORNAYY1943/A/W/12. Now
that surely has to be a case of FRAUD,
with intent to pervert the course of justice!
Of course,
I never received that letter because it went direct to Mills Kemp & Brown
Solicitors. I discovered it sometime later when I requested to view the MKB
files with a view of having certain documents copied. I could not believe my eyes
when I saw it because Mr Brain was supposed to working in my interest and was
being paid handsomely by the LSC for so doing.
below copies of the relevant letters showing what I say hear is true:

See copy of
the subsequent Funding Certificate itself and copied below, as sent onto Mills
Kemp & Brown. It is dated 07.06.2004 and on that date it had been upgraded
from Investigative Help to
"FULL REPRESENTATION" You can also see that they have reverted back
to the correct reference number of DURNAYY1943/A/W/8. You
can also see that they have reverted back to the correct reference number of
DURNAYY1943/A/W/8. You can also see that Mr M Zeraati was a named opponent in
my case yet Mr Brain went on to draw up a Witness Statement for Mr M Zeraati
(Under a fictitious Court Reference number) and this while he was being funded
by the LSC. Now, that surely has to be a criminal offence, what???
See below a
copy of my letter of complaint to Mr Andy Grant (Regional Director) LSC London.
Note my letter contains the correct LSC reference number:

On the 6th
August 2004 I received a letter dated 5th August 2004 in what I
consider to have been an ambiguous apology from LSC Manager Mr Peter Monaghan.
You will see, however, that he says that in retrospect we now feel that this
was an inappropriate step which we regret having taken. No good saying that
when you’re caught-out is it, yuh Honour?? This was a fraudulent act and they
still think they’ve got away with it. See copy of letter of apology copied below:

The next six
pages (images) are copies of my complaint letter to the LSC, dated 6th
July 2006. I believe they tell their own story.

The above is
only a very small extract taken from the LSC File and I intend returning to the
LSC file later-on in this true story, together with the evidence mentioned in my complaint letter.
This true
story continues …
NB: All copyrights reserved
NB: All copyrights reserved